311 Mobile App

A hand holding a mobile phone with the 311SA app logo.

Download the App

311 app in the Apple Store  311 app in the Google Play Store

With the 311 Mobile App, residents can submit service requests for the following service areas:

  • Animals
  • Garbage/dumping
  • Graffiti
  • Parks
  • Permits
  • Property maintenance
  • Scooters
  • Sidewalks
  • Streets/traffic

To view the full list of services, visit our 311 Services page.

About the App

The 311SA Mobile App allows you to interact with the City of San Antonio by submitting service requests for concerns that need attention. By doing so, you can earn rewards, strengthen communities and connect with your city to improve your neighborhood.

Through the app, citizens are able to flag (geo-locate a service request), attach a photo, and provide supporting information for issues. The requests go straight to the appropriate City department for evaluation and investigation. You can also view the status of your service request.

The 311SA Mobile App also has a social network feature, which allows sharing and voting on other users flags/requests, as well as a tremendous amount of resources for additional city services and programs

How do I submit a 311 request?

  1. From the New report screen (+ icon), select a subject category from the list, or search for your concern to begin the process to submit your report
  2. Answer the question(s) which help define your service request
  3. Specify location by using your location or inputting address or intersection
  4. Confirm location
  5. Review “Are any of these flags your same concern?” to determine if the issue has been previously reported and is currently pending
  6. If previously reported, open the flag to vote or share. If not, select Back button to discard processing request.
  7. Attach a photo by capturing from your camera, browse from your photo gallery or select “Skip” to proceed without a picture.
  8. Answer the additional questions and submit additional information in the text boxes to process the request. The more details, the better.
  9. Select Private to keep the request from displaying in the Home view (where others can see the request) or select Anonymous to prevent your identification from processing with the service request. You can select one or both.
  10. Click Submit.
  11. Select Accept to confirm points received.
  12. Track your flags/service requests in your Profile.