NOTE: We do not respond to animal-related services in unincorporated Bexar County or other municipalities within Bexar County or beyond. Bexar County residents should call Bexar County Animal Control at 210-335-9000 (option 1).
Animal Care Services (ACS) Field Operations Division is responsible for protecting the health and safety of the citizens and their pets.
Our variety of services include:
- answering calls concerning suspected abuse or cruelty to animals
- animal bites
- barking dog, nuisance cats and other animals that present a problem to the community
- injured animals
- livestock issues
- illegal animal sales
Roaming Dogs
Some high-risk areas of the City have confirmed packs of roaming dogs. The ACS Field Operations Division may address this using a specialized “sweeps” team.
If you need to report an incident, please include the following information about the animals:
- detailed descriptions
- locations
Humane Dog Traps
When available, ACS will loan humane dog traps to residents.
To borrow one, you must:
- sign and complete an animal trap loan contract
- check the trap regularly and release any contained animals to ACS
- take legal responsibility for the trap while it is in your care
Traps can be loaned for up to 7 days. No deposit is required.
NOTE: ACS traps cannot be used to trap wildlife, and any trapped wildlife will not be picked up or accepted by ACS.