
ACS advisory board meeting with people sitting and standing.

We enforce both City ordinance (Chapter 5 ordinance) and State animal laws (Health & Safety Code, Chapters 821-829).

While the laws are extensive by nature, they come down to a simple directive: Pet owners are responsible for their pet(s) and their pet's behavior.

Chapter 5 City Code Changes

On December 5, 2024, City Council approved several changes to Chapter 5. This is the section of the City's Municipal Code that outlines local laws related to animals. It includes laws for the following:

  • animal bites
  • cruelty and neglect
  • livestock
  • microchipping
  • permits
  • investigations into possible dangerous or aggressive dogs

Several changes in particular were adopted in order to address owners who repeatedly allow their dogs to roam and those whose pets bite someone. Specific changes include:

  • Increased minimum fines for repeat violations of Chapter 5 up to $750 for continued misconduct.
  • Fines have also been increased for those owners who failed to prevent their dog from making an unprovoked bite. These fines start at $1,000 for the first offense and increase up to $2,000 and beyond for ongoing violations.
  • Because many of the animals brought into ACS for bites and other offenses are owned pets off their property in violation of the law, Animal Care Services is legally allowed to spay or neuter pets found roaming prior to returning the pet to their owner.


Learn about each topic to find out more about the laws governing responsible pet ownership issues.