It is illegal to sell, trade, barter, or give pets away without a permit, regardless of where you're trying to sell them.
If you wish to sell your pet, you must apply for the appropriate permits:
After obtaining the necessary permits, be sure to include the assigned permit number in all advertising. This includes online platforms like Facebook and La Pulga, as well as any sale notices or displays. Additionally, you are responsible for ensuring the animals' well-being, providing required vaccinations, and offering a health guarantee to all buyers.
Anyone who advertises or sells puppies in San Antonio without the required permit is breaking the law, and the current ordinance allows Animal Care Services (ACS) officers to confiscate the animals. Citations from ACS can net fines up to $300 each and state jail time for more heinous violations.
If you see any form of illegal sales taking place, there are multiple ways you can file an anonymous report.
Find out how to report an incident.
Permit Filing Process(PDF, 25KB)