Fee Schedule

Dog wearing a handkerchief.

The Director of Animal Care Services (ACS) reserves the right to adjust fees during instances of moratoriums or any special events or circumstances, if deemed necessary.

Fees associated with services and ordinances are applicable to anyone doing business with ACS.

Pet Adoption

Type Fee
Dog Package $86*
Cat Package $34*
Rats/Mice $10
Rabbits $15
Small Domestics $15
Small Birds $5 - $25
Goats & Sheep** $150

*Includes spay/neuter surgery, microchip (free lifetime registration) & tag, rabies vaccination, flea & tick preventative and 1st round of vaccinations.
**Plus permit if inside San Antonio


Type Fee Description
Seller's Permit $250 Year
Litter Permit $50 Litter (Only 1 litter per year)
Cat Colony Permit $10 Year
Livestock Permit (horse*, cattle)
$150 Year
Carriage Horse License/Inspection*
$45 Per Horse
Other Livestock Permit (hog, sheep, goat, etc.)
$75 Year
Pet Shop Permit $200 Year
Commercial Boarding Kennel Permit $150 Year
Pet Grooming Permit $75 Year
Animal Exhibit Permit
$200 Event
Petting Zoo/Recreational Animal Ride Permit $50 Year
Exceed Number of Legal Animal Limit Permit $25 N/A
Inspection & Subsequent Re-Inspection(s) (Horse)
$25 Inspection

*All carriage horse companies must have a valid permit issued by the SAPD Ground Transportation Unit prior to inspection by ACS Veterinarians. More information on equine carriage permits.


Type  Fee  Description 
Dangerous Animals
$100 1 year
Aggressive Animals - Level 1
$25 1 year
Aggressive Animals - Level 2
$50 1 year
Aggressive Animals - Level 3
$75 1 year


Regular Animal Impoundment (Return to Owner)

Type Fee
1st Occurrence $50*
2nd Occurrence $100*
3rd Occurrence $150*
4th Occurrence $200*
Boarding $10/day

*Owner responsible for impoundment fee, daily boarding, vaccinations & microchip.

Rabies Observation (OB) Impoundment

Type Fee
1st Occurrence $75*
2nd Occurrence $100*
3rd Occurrence (Requires investigation) $200*
Boarding $20/day

*Owner responsible for impoundment fee, daily boarding, vaccinations & microchip.

Vaccinations (Given at time of impoundment)

Type Fee
Rabies $12*
Bordetella $6
FVRCP (Cats)

*Unless proof of vaccination is provided

Livestock Impoundment

Type  Fee
Horse/Cattle Boarding
Goats/Pigs $75
Goats/Pigs Boarding
Poultry/Rabbits $20
Poultry/Rabbits Boarding $10/day


Type Fee Description 
Owner Surrender $25 City of San Antonio Residents Only 
Euthanasia Request $25 Left blank
Annex Facility Rental $75 Half Day 
Annex Facility Rental $100 Full Day 
Cat Combo Test $15 Left blank
 City of San Antonio Residents Only (Lifetime Registration)