Any individual or group who resides in the City of San Antonio can register to become a Public Access Television Producer and air a program on the channel. All programming must be locally produced and non-commercial.
A wide variety of programs air on the Public Access Channel, including those with the following content:
- arts
- music
- culture
- comedy
- children/youth
- religious/spiritual
Programs used for training, documentaries, and interview shows also air on the channel.
To become a producer, download the application form and submit.
Producer Application Form(PDF, 93KB)
Terms & Conditions
- Producer warrants that Producer is 18 years of age or older and resides within the city limits of the City of San Antonio.
- Producer warrants that the programming content does not include:
- Any material that is in violation of Subchapter
- Obscenity, of Chapter 43 of the Texas Penal Code;Any material that violates local, state, or federal law;
- Any material that is libelous, slanderous, defamatory, or that constitutes an unlawful invasion of privacy;
- Any advertising of commercial products or services;
- Any solicitations or appeals for funds; and
- Any unlawful use of copyrighted material.
- Producer warrants that all necessary rights and clearances to transmit program content over the City’s Public Access Channel have been obtained and the City will accrue no liability.
- Producer agrees that City has the right to refuse to broadcast any submitted programming found to be in conflict with federal law, state law, local law, and City guidelines as they may be adopted or amended from time to time.
- Producer agrees that City has the sole right to schedule broadcasts of any programming.
- Producer agrees to obtain all necessary copyright clearances, licenses and permits as may be necessary. The City may refuse to broadcast a program until Producer provides the City with proof sufficient to the City that the copyright holder has agreed to allow the broadcast of the copyrighted material.
Application Review
Once your application is received, our staff will review it and reach out if they have any questions or need any additional information.
Upon a successful review, we will reach out to you by email to let you know.