City Manager's Excellence Award

The City of San Antonio’s CORE Values program recognizes employees who embody:

  • Teamwork
  • Integrity
  • Innovation
  • Professionalism

The highest level of this program is the City Manager’s Excellence Award. The City Manager awarded the 8th Annual City Manager’s Excellence Award to employees who have shown outstanding commitment to public service and to the San Antonio community. We congratulate them for their well-deserved recognition.


Erica-Haller Stevenson

Erica Stevenson with City Manager, Erik Walsh


Erica led the development of a community Violence Prevention Strategic Plan. She worked with her team to amend an ordinance. This would require all places of public accommodation to post Domestic Violence (DV) signage in their restrooms. The signs list National DV hotline and a QR code with local DV community resources.

Melanie Keeton

Melanie Keeton


Melanie assisted a non-profit, SAGE (San Antonio Growth on the East Side). At the time, SAGE was experiencing turnover and financial challenges. She used her time and expertise to help the organization rebuild their accounting records from scratch. She did this also with her duties as an Assistant Director in Finance. She helped SAGE continue to foster growth and revitalization of San Antonio’s Eastside.

Electronic Threat Assessment Team

Electronic Threat team

Health and Police (SAPD)

The Violence Prevention team and SAPD explored ways to create an electronic version of the threat assessment tool. They needed a tool that:

  • increased efficiencies
  • provide accurate data to the Crisis Team from the patrol officers
  • protected Information

Before this, the assessment was all done on paper. This allowed the Violence Prevention team to follow-up with victims for safety and client support services.

Home Rehab Application Improvement Team

Home Rehab Team

Neighborhood & Housing Services (NHSD) and Information Technology Services (ITSD)

Samantha Diaz (NHSD) partnered with Ana Rankin and Mark Sarpy (ITSD) to develop an electronic application for the home rehab program. This allowed the new tool to automate processes that saved about 1 hour in staff time per application. This saved over 3,000 hours combined. Since the launch, the number of home rehab applications more than doubled to nearly 3,500 in FY 2023. 

GearUp! Program Team

Gear up team

Human Resources (HR) Wellness and Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) Health Coaches

HR Wellness Program and BCBS Health Coaches developed this program to address the challenges retaining Commercial Driver's License (CDL) drivers at COSA. The team created a 6-week wellness program that covered a variety of topics. Each Program lasted 30 minutes each in duration beginning and ending with biometric measurements. They saw dramatic improvements in health outcomes such as:

  • improved blood pressure
  • weight loss
  • body fat

The team worked with Concentra Medical Group to ensure their medical certifications were up-to-date. They also assisted in their renewals so they can continue to work.

Laboratory Sciences Team

Health team


We recognize more than 20 employees from across 3 sites. They provided Public Health Lab services for the San Antonio Metro area and neighboring 29 counties in Public Health Region 8 and 11. Their work is behind-the-scenes, but they perform regulated testing such as:

  • drinking water bacteriology tests or regional public water system supplies
  • infection disease surveillance
  • mobile food vendors
  • and more

The staff support the Human Services (DHS) funded BioWatch program that provides early warning of a bioterrorist attack in our community.
