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Drive SAfely SA

Drive SAfely SA is a San Antonio Municipal Court initiative to deepen its commitment to public safety in our community. This year-round initiative promotes safe driving behaviors to reduce preventable deaths and injuries on our roads through community outreach and education.

100 Deadliest Days

The period between Memorial Day and Labor Day is known as the 100 deadliest days for teen drivers. Speeding, distraction and not buckling up are three factors that commonly result in preventable deaths and serious injuries on our roadways. Sadly, Texas leads the nation in the total number of fatal crashes involving young drivers during these months.

100 Deadliest Days Driver Safety Tips(PDF, 4MB)

Reality Education for Drivers (RED)

The goal of the RED program is to guide young drivers aged 15-25 towards safer driving behaviors and away from potential citations while on the road.

RED Classes

Teen Driving Awareness Month

January is Teen Driving Awareness month. According to the CDC, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers in the United States. Having regular conversations about safety, practicing driving together, and leading by example go a long way in ensuring your teen makes smart decisions when they get behind the wheel.

Have your teen take the pledge to drive safely by signing the contract.

Parent-Teen Driver Safety Contract(PDF, 216KB)

Back-To-School Safety

School means increased pedestrian, bike, and motor vehicle traffic. As children head back to school, remember to slow down, and stay alert for crossing children and all warning signals and signs.

Back-To-School Safety Tips(PDF, 3MB)