Effective January 9, 2023, City departments and community organizations may reserve a room at senior centers for meeting use after hours. Senior center meeting rooms will be made available for use via a reservation-based on-line system.
Reservations for use of available space will be made no more than 30 days in advance and the Senior Services Division (SSD) staff will respond based on the availability of the center. Senior center activities will take priority over City department and community use.
Centers will not be available for use on City holidays and closures.
Request a Reservation
Community use is defined as use of a Department of Human Services (DHS) senior center by outside agencies, organizations, and departments other than DHS.
Any meeting and/or event not associated with the daily business of the senior center.
Senior center space can be used by City departments, community groups and organizations to hold meetings. No gaming, political, fundraising, parties or any other kind of event other than a meeting may be held at the centers.
Reservations for senior center use may be made no less than 60 and no more than 30 days in advance of the date requested. Due to the limited space, use of space may be limited to once per calendar month per group.
No. As space can be reserved no more than 60 days in advance, multiple months or standing reservations will not be permitted.
The senior centers are available for City department and community use free of charge.
No deposit is required to make a reservation.
Meeting room availability may be requested through the senior center online reservation system. However, a reservation is not in place until confirmed by SSD and a facility use agreement has been signed.
Information regarding each participating facility, including a map locator can be found at About Senior Centers.
There could be many reasons that available days are not reflected:
Meetings with greater than 100 attendees may require security which must be provided at the reserving organizations expense.
Please call 210-207-7172.
Yes. There are several reasons a reservation may be cancelled:
Yes, staff will work with group to identify an alternate date for use.
Senior center space includes classroom style spaces which can be used for meetings or presentations to a group.
Capacity differs at each center and based on space availability.
Microphones and screen/projectors are available for use in some meeting rooms. Meeting organizers may bring a laptop, extension cords, HDMI cord or any other equipment related to and for use in their presentation.
You are permitted to bring a laptop for use in your presentation, however; no additional equipment will be allowed in the centers (i.e. additional tables, chairs, booths, large decorations, etc.)
Center tables and chairs are available for use. They cannot be moved or removed from the rooms.
Additional tables and chairs will not be permitted in the center.
Use of kitchen space and kitchen equipment is not permitted.
Food/refreshments are not permitted to be served on the premises; only water will be allowed.
Alcohol is not permitted on the premises. No alcohol may be served, sold or consumed on the premises.
No decorations or hanging of any items on the walls is allowed.
Service dogs are welcome; no pets allowed.
Reserving organizations are not permitted to charge admission fees.
Meeting rooms will not be used for the solicitation of business, or for the sale of goods or services. No products or services may be advertised or sold.
Meetings do not need to be open to the public; however, SSD staff or representatives will have access to the meeting room at all times.
Publicity issued by any group should not imply that their programs are sponsored, co-sponsored, endorsed or approved by SSD, unless written permission to do so has been previously given by the department/division.
Reservation time includes setup and cleanup.
Yes, you will be required to leave the senior center as found. All trash must be removed at the end of the meeting.
Violation of Center Use Policy will result in a ban from reservations at all centers.
Use of the premises may be terminated at any time if the conduct of the group, or any member of the group, is disruptive to services, or abusive or dangerous to the building, materials, exhibits, furnishings or individuals in the building.
Damage to the senior center, equipment and/or furniture must be relayed to center staff immediately. SSD reserves the right to charge the reserving organization for damages to property of the center.
A signed Indemnity & Liability Agreement will be required as part of the facility use agreement. The City of San Antonio and its SSD is not responsible for items or equipment left in the building before, during or after a meeting.
Please call us if you have any questions.