Walker Ranch Senior Center

Walker Ranch Senior Center Building

The Walker Ranch Senior Center is 26,360 square feet and is located next to Walker Ranch Historic Landmark Park. The center is located in Council District 9.

Construction was funded through $14.2M in the approved 2017-2022 bond program. That makes this our second center built from the ground up and designed for programs and functions of the Senior Services Division.

Events Calendar(PDF, 798KB)

What We Offer

  • A daily lunch time meal
  • Transportation services to and from the center for eligible seniors living within a 5- mile radius of the center


  • Activity space for senior specific programming
  • City Council District 9 satellite office
  • Computer lab
  • Exercise rooms
  • Main dining hall

Public Art

The center also features glass artwork entitled, “Canopy Dreams for San Antonio I and II,” by San Francisco artist Stephen Galloway.

The artwork was commissioned through the Department of Arts & Culture’s Public Art Division.
