A Master Development Plan (MDP) is required when a tract of land within the City or its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) requests subdivision plat approval. This means the entire property will be subdivided in two or more plat phases or units.
To apply, you must submit an application along with support documents and the fees. The Technical Review is complete once the applicant has secured approvals from applicable Certifying Agencies.
Following approvals from the Certifying Agencies, the MDP application will be approved by the Development Services Director. An MDP application must be approved two years from a complete application submittal.
After the MDP is approved, the project is to follow the applicable Validity requirements of the Unified Development Code 35-412. The MDP is a flexible plan that may be amended by the applicant as needed. Each amendment will undergo a review process.
Check-in to Development Services using our website, by text message, or by downloading the Qless mobile application.
Planning Commission