Please refer to the Home Remodeling FAQs for more information on specific permits required for a home remodel.
Yes, a permit is required for repairing/replacing a roof. A Homeowner can obtain this permit and perform their own work or hire a registered Home Improvement Contractor (non-structural). If there is a change in pitch, a Homeowner can also obtain this permit (requires plan review) and perform the work themselves or hire a Residential Building Contractor (Structural).
A permit is required for all garage sales in San Antonio for sales of 5 or more items. A permit may be obtained at participating H-E-B stores, in person at our One Stop or by using our On Line Permitting System. Garage sales can only be held on premises zoned or used for residential purposes. For more information visit Garage Sales or call us at 210-207-1111.
All new fences require a permit. For repairs or replacements of an existing fence, a permit is only required if the total repair or replacement exceeds 25% of the continuous length of the existing fence. Please review the Fence Application (PDF) for specific requirements. If you are unsure whether or not a permit will be needed, contact us at 210-207-1111.
Yes, a permit is required to build an accessory structure greater than 300 sq. ft. Building Setbacks apply. A Homeowner can obtain this permit. For more information see Residential Permits.
Yes, a permit is required to build a carport and must meet building setbacks. A Homeowner can obtain this permit. For more information see Residential Permits.
All additions require a permit and Homeowners can obtain this permit. Additions over 1,000 sq ft and 2nd story additions require construction plan review. Separate permits are required for trade work and can only be obtained by licensed contractors (mechanical, electrical, plumbing). Foundation designs and inspections require an engineer.
If your proposed residential deck meets all four of the criteria listed below, you are not required to obtain a building permit:
To find ouy if your deck will require a permit review IB 151 - Residential Deck Permits (PDF)
The permit holder can request to cancel their permit by completing the Cancel Permit Request form (PDF). The cancellation of your permit does not automatically entitle you to a refund. You can complete the Request for Refund form (PDF) if you meet the requirements for a refund. For additional information see Residential Plan Review.
While as a homeowner you can perform many types of non-structural & structural work, for your safety you must use licensed trade contractors for electrical and/or heating/air conditioning work. A homeowner can only apply for a plumbing permit for an existing residence provided that it is your homestead and you will personally be doing the work. (Refer to the Plumbing Homeowner Affidavit (PDF)). For more information see Residential Permits.
Yes, if your property is located in a Historic District, Flood Plain District, Neighborhood Conservation District, RIO, Overlay District or Corridor District you are required to ensure special requirements are met prior to any remodeling of your home or planning new construction. For more information see Residential Zoning.
When a change of ownership of an existing building or tenant‐spaces within a building occurs, and the occupancy classification remains the same, a new Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) is not required. You can request a name change on the existing C of O. For more information or if you have any questions, please visit Certificate of Occupancy.
The type of business license or permit needed is based on the specific type of business you plan to operate within the San Antonio City limits. As a customer services initiative, the City's Economic Development Department hosts a Small Business Outreach Specialist team that provides business owners assistance with licensing and permitting questions. You can contact a Small Business Outreach Specialist or call 210-207-3922.
You can use the One Stop Map to look up the zoning of the property. You can also review the examples of uses permitted in zoning districts (PDF). If you need general assistance in determining if your zoning allows the intended use, please call our Call Center at 210-207-1111.
A building permit is required if you are making any changes to the structure, demolishing, altering the interior, or changing or expanding the use. If you are not sure if a building permit is required, contact us at 210-207-1111; our Call Center will be happy to assist you.
Development Services is responsible for certifying requirements related to zoning and local ordinances and for processing a new or name change to a Certificate of Occupancy. You must be aware that there are locational requirements related to the sale of alcoholic beverages. Please visit TABC Requirements or call our Customer Service Center at 210-207-1111.
Every person seeking a license to establish, maintain, or operate an establishment that plans to serve food within the San Antonio City limits and unincorporated parts of Bexar County should contact the City Health Department. Metro Health issues permits and performs inspections in accordance with the local health code and State regulations. For more information call 210-207-0135 or visit them at 1901 S. Alamo St.
To reconnect utility services at your business you will need a permit and you will need to schedule an inspection with Development Services. Once the inspection is completed, Development Services will notify CPS Energy that it is safe to reestablish utility services
No, the City does not process DBA registrations. DBA's are registered with the Bexar County Clerks Office. For assistance you can call 210-335-2216. DBA name changes may have additional Health Department requirements. For information on these requirements visit Metro Health.
The first step is to find out what types of businesses are allowed at the property. Whether you are thinking about opening a restaurant or buying a coffee shop, you’ll want to confirm you have enough parking spaces, zoned properly and other factors. Please contact Development Services for more information.
The business owner or agent (contractor, engineer, architect, or tenant) can apply for a building permit by completing the Commercial Project Application and Guide (PDF). Upon obtaining a building permit, you can begin your construction. Trade permits (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing) are also required and can be obtained by licensed contractors. The permit holder will need to schedule the required inspections. Please see IB 101 - New Residential Permit Information (PDF).
We recognize that at times the design or ideas for your project may not fully comply with or may not be addressed by the City’s adopted building codes or the Unified Development Code. Our goal is to work with you to help resolve any development issues. We offer a range of code options. Please visit Code Exceptions & Appeals for guidance.
There is no licensing requirement for a commercial general contractor. A residential general contractor must be registered as a Home Improvement Contractor (non -structural) or a Residential Home Builder (structural).
CPS Energy has a Customer Engineering Web Portal to request new electric or gas services, security lights or to change an existing service. You can access this service at CPS Energy Customer Engineering Web Portal. For Utility Release information visit Utility Release.
In accordance with the City’s Building Code, Development Services requires all contractors, licensed by the City and the State, to be registered with the City prior to the issuance of any building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical or other type of permit(s). Registration must always remain current. For more information visit Contractor Registration & Licensing.
We offer three ways to schedule your inspection:
Trade Contractors (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing) must be licensed by the State of Texas and must also register with the City. Visit Contractor Registration & Licensing for more information.
A general contractor can demolish a commercial building as part of construction/permitting of a new building. The demolition would be covered under your own contractor's insurance. As a stand-alone demolition project (or not associated with a new building permit), you must be a licensed demolition contractor with the City.
General Contractors cannot pull trade permits or request a trade inspection. Trade permits and inspections can only be requested by a licensed trade contractor. General Contractors are responsible for linking the trade permit to the correct building permit.
NOTE: Not linking permits properly can delay the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
The owner of the property owns all building permits regardless of who pulls the permits. However, trade permits are owned by trade contractors.
A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy can be issued to occupy a portion of a new building once the necessary inspections have been performed. For more information on how you can obtain a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy please see IB 126 - Certificate of Occupancy for Commercial Construction(PDF).
Development Services is aware that the timing of permit issuance can impact a contractor’s timeline. As a customer service initiative, we offer ways to expedite your project through plan review. For additional information please visit Expediting a Project.
You must complete a Request for Address Assignment/Verification form (PDF) and submit all required documentation. Please see IB 536 - Process for Address Assignment and Verification (PDF)
The City has established regulations to ensure that streets, parks and utilities can adequately serve new development and considers concerns sensitive to environmental such as water quality, tree preservation, floodplains and drainage. In order to obtain building permits or utility services a subdivision plat may be required. For more information regarding new development please visit Land Development.
Yes, you can meet with Land Development Staff in a Preliminary Land Development Meeting to discuss topics related to platting view IB 516 - Preliminary Development Plan Review Meetings (PDF). There is also an opportunity to meet with Plan Review Staff in a Preliminary Plan Review meeting where you and your design team can discuss topics related to building permits. View IB 116 - Preliminary Plan Review Meetings (PDF).
You can report an address concern by sending an email to the City of San Antonio Addressing Team.
The City of San Antonio Addressing Team issues addresses within its municipal boundaries. For more information regarding the issuance and processing of Addressing, please contact the Addressing Team.
CPS Energy issues all addresses outside of San Antonio City limits but within Bexar County. For further information, please contact CPS Energy at 210-353-4050 or via email at
A new address for an additional meter may be assigned provided the proposed scope of work complies with the requirements of the City Code (i.e. a new suite in a retail shopping center, an additional dwelling unit in a multi‐family zoning district). To obtain a new address, you can complete a Request for Address Assignment/Verification form (PDF) along with required documentation. Please see IB 536 - Process for Address Assignment and Verification.
Yes, the City of San Antonio has a Tree Preservation Ordinance effective throughout the San Antonio City Limits and its Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. For more information visit Tree Preservation.
On June 21, 2018, San Antonio City Council approved the adoption of the 2018 International Code Council (ICC) building-related, fire and property maintenance codes with local amendments to be effective, Oct. 1, 2018. Please visit Codes & Ordinances for the latest code information.
The City’s local amendments to the building-related codes can be found in Chapter 10-Building Related Code of the City and San Antonio, as amended by Ordinance 2018-06-21-0493.
The local amendments to our fire codes can be found in Chapter 11, Fire Prevention Code and Chapter 16, Licenses and Business Regulations of the City Code of San Antonio as amended by Ordinance 2018-06-21-0494 (PDF).
General information regarding land use regulations can be found in Land Development. Additional details regarding regulation of land preparation, such as subdivision, platting, zoning, street and drainage design, as well as historic preservation, can be found in the Unified Development Code (UDC), Chapter 35 of the City’s code.
For step-by-step procedures please visit Constructing and select whether your project is residential or commercial. There you will find all of the forms and applications you will need to apply for a building permit.
Yes, the City has developed Information Bulletins as a method to communicate procedural guidelines. A list of all Information Bulletins is located in our Documents Online.
The time to obtain a building permit varies depending on the type of project. We have provided information on the Average Time to Obtain a Building Permit (PDF) to assist you with this process.
Development Services has created a list of the most common developer delays and discrepancies (PDF).