CCPF Application


NOTE: Please review the City Council Project Fund (CCPF) guidelines and moratorium information before applying.

Step 1.Eligibility

Allocations of CCPF may be made to City Council District Offices and external applicants provided that the proposed expenditure serves a municipal public purpose, fits into one of the following eligible categories, and satisfies all other criteria set out in the City ordinances:

  • education
  • City Council District / community events
  • youth or senior activities

Step 2.Required Documents

  • A copy of the organization's purpose or mission and other relevant agency information about the services provided.
  • A copy of the organization's Federal Tax Identification letter (this does not apply to Neighborhood Associations).
  • Verification of tax-exempt status (if applicable).
  • Nonprofit entities need a copy of the agency board roster.
  • If requesting more than $3,000 in funding, a Supplemental Information Form(PDF, 630KB).

Step 3.Prepare to Apply

The online web application does not save progress. We recommend viewing the application document(PDF, 97KB) and preparing responses in advance before starting the online submission process.

Critical things to include in the application:

  • Indicate whether the project meets the requirement of being free and open to the public (applies to fundraisers and mandatory donation events).
  • A detailed explanation of how the money will be used.
    • Outline the expenses for the project and provide dollar amounts for each expense.
    • Include quotes or invoices from vendors.

Please review the helpful tips and ineligible expenses sections for more information.

Funding Considerations

Confirm that this is the only City of San Antonio funding for which you are applying. If you are a delegate agency with the City of San Antonio, you may not be eligible for CCPF funds.

CCPF operates on a reimbursement basis. Applicants must provide receipts/proof of payment for expenses before funding is disbursed. Please ensure the cash flow is sufficient to begin the project while waiting for City funding to arrive. If not, contact the CCPF Coordinator before applying.

Step 4.Apply


Helpful Tips

  • Be detailed about the number of people your event or program will benefit in each District to which you are applying.
  • Communicate clearly and precisely about the what, where, how, when and why of your program, project or event.
  • Don't hesitate to get in touch with the CCPF Coordinator with specific questions about guidelines or requirements.
  • Read the list of ineligible expenses and read the ordinances to better understand the purpose of the CCPF and the types of projects that can be funded

Ineligible Expenses

  • Services which are primarily commercial, religious or political in nature.
  • Permanent improvements to any Non-City owned structure or property so that it becomes an integral part of the real property and its removal would do harm to the building or land, including those improvements that are bolted, nailed, screwed or wired into the wall, ceiling or floor.
  • Expenditures for the operation of City Department or supporting other governmental entities in carrying out functions mandated by their charter or statute, except for joint projects where City programs are also involved.
  • Funding for tuition at private primary or secondary schools, except funding for scholarship awards for the benefit of students attending an institution of higher education.
  • Funding for the purchase of gas, gift cards, clothing or apparel that will be owned by an individual unless part of a workforce program; rental or purchase of animals, alcohol and amusement rides.
  • General operating expenses or expenses to support on-going operation of the applicant, including, but not limited to, salaries, utilities, rent and regular administrative expenses, travel unless representing the City of San Antonio.
  • Funding to support the project of an organization already receiving funding, such as a delegate agency, that is duplicative in nature or otherwise deemed ineligible by authorized staff in the Office of the City Council to receive CCPF due to previous misuse of CCPF (or funds previously designated as HDSF) or due to a violation of the policies, rules or guidelines for CCPF.
  • Any expenses related to a project that is not free and open to the public.

Application Review & Award Process

1. Eligibility Phase
The CCPF coordinator will contact you within 7 business days of submittal regarding the status of your application. If an application is deemed eligible to receive funding from this program, the application will then be forwarded to the appropriate Council District(s) for review.
2. Award Phase
City Council District staff will review the application and the Councilmember will make an award decision. Please note that this fund is discretionary and that no award is guaranteed. If a decision to award funding is made, the CCPF coordinator will send a notification of award to the applicant.
3. Post Award Phase
Once an award decision has been made, the CCPF coordinator and the Council District CCPF liaisons will work with you to reimburse expenses. You will receive more detailed information about what to expect in this phase upon receiving a notification of award.