Assistant Director, Veronica Gonzalez

Veronica Gonzalez Veronica Gonzalez began serving as Assistant Director on December 1, 2022. In her role, she leads several divisions that support housing affordability including Grants Monitoring and Administration, Housing Access and Stability, and Housing Policy. During her tenure with the City, Gonzalez has held multiple roles and acquired a broad knowledge of Community Services, Capital Improvements, Contracts, Development, Marketing, Events, and Operations.

Currently as the Assistant Director, Gonzalez is responsible for advancing critical housing strategy and work, which includes overseeing over $60 million in federal entitled funds allocated by the U.S. Department of Housing Urban Development (HUD) and implementing the city’s comprehensive 10-year Strategic Housing Implementation Plan (SHIP).

Gonzalez is also charged with leading a variety of housing stability programs and services including the Housing Assistance Program, Eviction Intervention, Right to Counsel and the HUD Certified Fair Housing Program to address housing challenges impacting communities. Gonzalez holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications and Public Relations from the University of Texas at San Antonio.