Finding an ADU Contractor

A woman engaged in home repair, utilizing a ladder and various tools to enhance the structure of a house.

Look for a contractor with experience in Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) or similar work:

  • Use the list of licensed contractors in San Antonio below.
  • Conduct your own independent search for qualified contractors and businesses.

General Tips & Guidelines

  • Ask about contractors' previous experience and background. This can give you an idea of whether they've worked on projects like yours.
  • Make sure the contractor you choose has a current license. A contractor needs a current license to apply for permits with the City.
  • Talk to your contractor about safety. Understand how they'll protect your property and any of their employees or subcontractors during the construction process.
    • Request that your contractor have their insurance agent send you a copy of their certificate of insurance (COI). The COI's "Description Box," should list the project address and additional insured language included. The additional insured should name the property owner and household members living in home. The "Certificate Holder Box" should list the property owner and the address of the property owner.
  • Work with your contractor to set a payment schedule you both agree on. Remember that you don't have to pay the entire contracting fee at the beginning of the process.
  • Set expectations with your contractor at the beginning of the process. Decide who will do what (permit applications, etc.) and a general timeline for each task's completion. This helps you and the contractor know what to expect and can help keep things on track.
  • Make a contract. It doesn't need to be complicated, but it's helpful to have an agreement in writing. This agreement can say what the contractor will do and plan a payment schedule. It can also include a warranty or guarantee from the contractor. This will outline responsibilities if there's an accident or issues with workmanship.
  • Talk to contractors about what work they'll be managing themselves and what will be done by subcontractors. This helps you know who is working on your project.