The Ethics Review Board has the jurisdiction to review allegations of violations of the City's Ethics Code, Section 141 of the City Charter and Section 171 of the Texas Local Government Code. The Ethics Review Board does not have the jurisdiction or the authority to review allegations of violations of other bodies of law, nor is it charged with resolving disputes with the city that do not pertain to the Ethics Code.
The Board cannot consider any alleged violation that occurred more than two years prior to the date of the filing of a complaint.
Any person who believes there has been a violation of the ethics laws may file a sworn complaint.
NOTE: Frivolous complaints that are groundless and brought in bad faith or for the purpose of harassment are prohibited by the Ethics Code.
The complaint must include:
Fill out and print the form. It must be notarized.
Complaint Form
The sworn ethics complaint must be filed with the Office of the City Clerk in person or by mail:
Office of the City Clerk 100 W. Houston, Concourse Level San Antonio, TX 78205 Directions
City Clerk will provide a copy of the complaint and Section 2-83 of the Ethics Code to the person charged in the complaint, also known as the Respondent. Respondent has 10 business days to file a sworn response with the City Clerk.
The person making the complaint has five business days to provide a sworn reply to the response sent by the Respondent. Responses are provided to the Ethics Review Board for review.
Within 90 days after the filing of the complaint, the Ethics Review Board or a designated panel shall issue a written opinion that shall either:
Contact Form
City's Ethics Code, Section 2-83