The Historic and Design Review Commission consists of 11 members who reside in the City of San Antonio. Each of them is appointed by the City Council.
HDRC reviews projects related to exterior changes to designated landmarks or within one of the City's local historic districts located within:
- A River Improvement Overlay (RIO) district
- A Viewshed Protection district
- Publicly-owned properties (e.g., libraries, parks, fire stations, etc.)
HDRC also reviews infill construction projects located within the "D" Downtown Business District.
For a list of current HDRC Members, please visit the Boards & Commissions Rosters page.
Timeline and Process
HDRC meetings are the first and third Wednesdays of the Month. From a Friday application deadline to the Wednesday of HDRC decision is 18 calendar days.
- After an application is submitted, a case manager is assigned to do a completeness review.
- Once complete, the case manager will write a report with a staff recommendation based on the Historic Design Guidelines and the Unified Development Code (UDC). -- The recommendation will be for approval, approval with stipulations, or denial. Over 95% of requests to the HDRC receive approval.
- The agenda is then posted the Friday before the Wednesday of HDRC. The UDC requires us to post notice of the agenda 72 hours prior to the hearing.
- In addition to the posted agenda, a yard sign will also be placed on site as notice to the public.
Applicants can participate in-person or virtually via WebEx. Owners and applicants of items on the agenda do not need to sign up to speak or leave a voice message. The case manager will email access information to applicants that wish to attend virtually. Applicants will be called on as the case is called.
Applicants should come prepared to discuss the request and answer questions from Commission members. Please leave the red yard sign where it was placed so that staff can pick it up in the days following the hearing.
For more information, visit our HDRC Schedule and Agendas page.
References & Resources
Application Types
Applicable References
Educational Resources
Before Getting Started for applicants
In partnership with the Historic Districts Coalition, OHP staff hosted a series of trainings all about the design review and HDRC process:
We ensure access to City meetings, programs and services by reasonably providing:
- Translation and interpretation
- Materials in alternate formats
- Other accommodations upon request
To request services call 210-207-2098 or 7-1-1. You can also request services online.
Please provide at least 72 hours’ notice will help to ensure availability.