Register a Vacant Building

It is necessary for the City to maintain basic information on properties with vacant buildings to quickly resolve concerns impacting health and safety.

Initial Registration

Registration is required within 90 days when the City issues a Notice to Register Vacant Building to the property owner(s).

Annual Renewal

Required paperwork and registration fees to renew your registration are due on January 31st of each year.



Step 1.Required Documents

Step 2.Plan of Action

The Plan of Action must be updated every 6 months and should include:

  • Timeline for correcting all violations
  • Maintenance plan while the building is vacant
  • Rehabilitation plan
  • Proposed future use of the building

Step 3.Register

To register online, use the Registration ID in the right-hand corner of your Notice to Register Vacant Building.

Register Online 


Step 1.Required Documents

Step 2.Plan of Action

The Plan of Action must be updated every 6 months and should include:

  • Timeline for correcting all violations
  • Maintenance plan while the building is vacant
  • Rehabilitation plan
  • Proposed future use of the building 

Step 3.Register

Vacant Building Registration Form(PDF, 1MB)

Mail your form, payment, and all supporting documents to:

Office of Historic Preservation
P.O. Box 839966
San Antonio, TX 78283

A check, money order, or a written request for a qualified fee waiver must be submitted with this form. Please make checks payable to City of San Antonio. 


Fee Type Single Family Properties Other Properties
Annual Registration $250 $750
Annual Inspection $50 plus an additional $0.01 per foot over 5,000 square feet $50 plus an additional $0.01 per foot over 5,000 square feet
Late Registration $150 if registered later than date on notice letter $150 if registered more than 90 days after date on registration notice letter

Fee Waivers

Fee waivers may be granted in the following situations:

  • Your property has been devastated by a catastrophe such as a fire or flood within the past 30 days.
  • The owner of the property is indigent.
  • You are a representative of a property owner who is deceased or no longer legally competent.
  • You have obtained a building permit and are progressing in an expedient manner to prepare the premises for occupancy.
  • You have maintained your property that is not a single family residence to the standard of care for at least two years.

Exemptions & Extensions

Single family residential buildings that meet the standard of care are exempt from the program.

The requirement to register within 90 days may be extended for properties listed for sale or lease at fair market value.

Update Contact Information

Written notice to Vacant Building Program Staff is required within 30 days for:

  • Changes in ownership
  • Changes in contact information for the owner or the designated manager

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I receive a Notice to Register Vacant Building, but my building is not vacant?

You may contact the Case Manager listed in your notice letter and provide documentation that lawful activity is currently occurring within the building. Documentation could include a lease with a tenant. 

When must I designate a local property manager?

A local property manager must be designated if the owner of the vacant building does not reside in Bexar County. The local property manager must conduct business in Bexar County and shall act as an agent for the absentee property owner.