Woodlawn Lake Community Room

A building featuring a vibrant red roof in front of trees

Woodlawn Lake Community Room is located within Woodlawn Lake Park, adjacent to the gymnasium.

NOTE: The room is not available for reservations.


In 2013, The City of San Antonio and District 7 Councilman Cris Medina celebrated the completion of the Community Room at Woodlawn Lake Park. 

This meeting room was renovated to include new fiber optic lines to support publicly accessible Wi-Fi so that residents can use their laptops and other electronic devices to do research, apply for jobs, and other online pastimes. Additionally, the room received new furniture, carpeting, lighting, and paint to complement the space.

Featured Amenities

There is a health kiosk where you can receive important health assessment information including heart rate, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI) and blood pressure.

Programs & Events

Literacy activities are coordinated by the San Antonio Public Library, including story time for children, teen club, and Dare to Read Club for adults.

In addition to regular hours, the community room is also open the last Tuesday of the month from 5 - 8 p.m. for Woodlawn Lake Community Association (WLCA) meetings.