
Explore your creative side today! Art enables individuals to express emotions, thoughts and ideas. Choose from a variety of art programs offered below. Register online or at a participating location.

Register for Classes

NOTE: All classes are subject to change or cancellation depending on the number of participants enrolled. Contact the facility location for more information on specific classes.

Ceramics & Pottery

Get hands on with pottery and ceramic creations! Use your imagination to bring life to your work. All skill levels welcome.

Register for Ceremics & Pottery


Get crafty! Stick to just the basics or reach your wildest imagination. Craft classes provide the opportunity to experience fun now and have a keepsake for later. Join in the fun today.

Register for Crafts

Drawing & Painting

Feel like Picasso? Maybe Monet? Every artist has to start somewhere. Drawing and painting programs offer inspiring artists the opportunity to create in different mediums.

Register for Drawing & Painting

More Art

There are no limits to being creative with the Parks and Recreation Department. You can find a listing of a variety of "more art" classes below.

Register for More Art