SA Tomorrow

About the Comprehensive Plan

SA Tomorrow is the City's 25-year framework that guides future growth and development. Adopted by City Council in August 2016, it addresses a wide range of topics that affect how we experience the city. These topics include land use, economic development, housing, environmental protection, cultural and historic preservation, transportation and more. The City's Planning Department has launched an effort to begin implementing the SA Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan to ensure that it remains responsive to the needs of the community.

Review the plan and supporting documents:

Importance of the Comprehensive Plan

Bexar County is expected to add up to 1.1 million new residents, with 500,000 new jobs and 500,000 new dwelling units by 2040. If not properly prepared for this growth, the impacts could have significant consequences. For example, traffic congestion and commute times could increase which would in turn affect our air quality and overall quality of life.

Having a vision is critical to the long-term success of our City. The Comprehensive Plan is a guiding document that City of San Antonio departments, partner agencies, residents, employers, developers and other stakeholders use to ensure that we retain a high quality of life for our residents. Further, the Comprehensive Plan:

  • Shapes the places we live, work, shop and play.
  • Guides the public services, infrastructure and capital investments that make our City so desirable.
  • Guides the use and density of buildings within San Antonio, directly shaping the City's physical form as it changes and develops in the future while preserving what's important to our community.

Sub-Area Plans & Future Land Use

The Planning Department is working with communities throughout the City of San Antonio to complete 30 sub-area plans over the next five to six years as part of implementing the SA Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan. A key component of these sub-area plans are the future land use maps, which help identify the uses and character a community desires for its area. The City's Future Land Use classifications provide a consistent set of categories and definitions for use across all 30 plans. The end result of these 30 sub-area plans will be a complete land use map for the City of San Antonio, something which currently does not exist.

Future land use is important because it helps determine where people will live, work and play in the City of San Antonio and is the basis for zoning and other land use and development decisions. Currently, the City has approximately 50 different adopted land use plans, many of which have land use categories and definitions that are inconsistent with each other. In some cases, these plans and land use maps have not been updated for many years while in other parts of the City, no land use map exists at all.

Share Your Input

Your ideas, insights and suggestion are essential to a successful implementation process. You can help determine how the Comprehensive Plan should address the City's current and future needs. Where do you need better roadways? What would help you reach the services in your area? What services can be improved?

There is a need for conversations about the changes happening in the City and what is anticipated and desired in the future. Your input will be used to ensure that the SA Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan remains responsive to residents needs in different communities.