Firefighter Trainee Examination

Applicants must pass the entrance examination with a minimum score of 70%. The exam consists of 250 questions and the time limit is three hours and fifteen minutes. 

The exam location is listed in the announcement and is typically a known venue in San Antonio.


We will post official notices on the announcement page for taking the SAFD entrance examination. In order to take the exam, applicants must first submit an application. 

Please review the minimum qualifications and other frequently asked questions before applying.

Study Materials


Sign up for SAFD Test Prep at cafécollege.

Sign Up


Veteran and Active Duty applicants are eligible to receive five additional points after passing the exam with a minimum of 70%. To qualify, the required documentation must be received by the date listed in the announcement, prior to the exam. Find out more about veteran's preference points.

Eligibility List

After passing the exam, your name will be placed on our eligibility list. The names will be listed from highest scores to lowest scores. If multiple applicants receive the same score, the answer sheet(s) with the lowest lottery number will rank higher on the eligibility list.

Candidates that have taken the exam must check the announcement page for final scores and for instructions on the next steps in the process and deadlines.


Frequently Asked Questions

How often does the San Antonio Fire Department test for Firefighter Trainee positions?

Pursuant to state law, the SAFD accepts applications and tests once a year. Please fill out the Job Interest Card and you'll be notified by email when the SAFD is accepting applications.

Does it cost to take the entrance examination?

No. There is no cost to take the entrance examination.

How many people will take the test?

In the past we have had approximately two thousand people show up for the test.

How soon after taking the written exam will I know my score?

All scores will be posted on the webpage 4-6 weeks after taking the written exam. See Events & Announcements.

What if there are two applicants with the same test score? How do you rank them on the eligibility list?

Upon entering the test site you will be directed to randomly pull a contact information card from a box. That card will have a number printed on it. This will be your lottery number. That number will then be attached to your answer sheet. If several applicants receive the same score, the answer sheet(s) with the lowest lottery number will rank higher on the eligibility list.

See additional frequently asked questions(PDF, 126KB) .