About Us
The SA Kids BREATHE program was created with the South Texas Asthma Coalition with the purpose to address high hospitalization rates in children with asthma. The goal of the program is to improve the lives of children with asthma by increasing school attendance and improving the management of asthma.
The program, a community-driven initiative, has an Advisory Council comprised of nearly a dozen community advisors from different fields.

High Hospital Discharge Rates for Asthma in Bexar County.

Asthma Action Plan (AAP)
Everyone with asthma should have a written AAP in their own language. The AAP provides you with information and instructions on how to manage you or your child’s asthma. The AAP follows a three-zone, “traffic light” scheme, progressing from a green to a yellow to a red zone.
The AAP tells caregivers what to do about your or your child’s asthma. This could include family members, parents, grandparents, foster parents, school nurses, teachers, and after school care staff.
The AAP is prepared by your physician and it:
- Describes concerning asthma symptoms to help you recognize when symptoms get worse.
- Tells you what medications to take right away.
- Tells you what to do in an emergency.
NOTE: All caregivers and school nurses should have a copy of the AAP.
Caregivers & School Nurses
Caregivers: Please give the AAP flyer to your child’s doctor who can complete the AAP.
School Nurses: Please have the child take home a printout of the AAP flyer to give to their caregiver. The caregiver can give the printout to their child's doctor who can complete the AAP.
AAP Flyer
The South Texas Asthma Coalition (STAC) is proud to announce their most updated STAC Asthma Action Plan (AAP) in both English and Spanish, published in February 2024. This year, thanks to a wonderful team, STAC was able to revise the AAP to include the newest 2020 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) Guidelines. Metro Health is happy to house this form for STAC
These revisions to the STAC AAP include:
- The addition of SMART/MART therapy – Single Maintenance And Reliever Therapy.
- Revisions to the wording in the pre-exercise area of the AAP.
- Making this a PDF document with drop down selections, as most clinics and hospitals are using electronic formats.
- Updating a significant number of drop-down choices, so the medications follow the new guidelines, and some wording edits.
- Requiring one of the two self-carry box selections (either allowing self-carry or not) to be checked prior to the physician signing the AAP.
Review the guide to using the AAP Form.
NOTE: For the best experience, download the AAP Form and open in Adobe Reader.
Complete the AAP Form for each person or child with asthma and:
If an adult: Please provide the patient with a copy.
If a child: Please provide two copies of each AAP to the family.
- A copy for the school nurse in English
- A copy for the family in their preferred language, as these become available. (Currently only English is available.)
Contact Us
STAC will be conducting extensive outreach in 2024 to clinics and hospitals about the updated 2024 AAP. Mandie Tibball Svatek, MD, Chair of STAC, is happy to receive your feedback on the AAP or answer any questions. She can be reached through SA Kids BREATHE.