Immunization Education & Outreach

The Immunization Outreach, Education, and Partnership (IOEP) Program strives to do the following in the community:

  • reduce missed vaccine opportunities
  • increase vaccinations rates
  • decrease the rate of vaccine preventable diseases

The IOEP Program aims to accomplish this by providing educational presentations to the community and local schools, attending community health/resource fairs, and participating in community conferences and lectures.

The IOEP Program targets under-immunized communities through the Texas Vaccines for Children and Adult Safety Net programs. The IOEP Program works to form new and different partnerships throughout the city to help bring vaccine awareness and increase the vaccination rate in underserved communities.

The IOEP Program also facilitates the Immunize San Antonio (IZSA) Coalition, which promotes immunizations in diverse populations across the lifespan through collaboration and education, striving for a community where all residents are protected from vaccine preventable diseases. For more information about being a part of the IZSA Coalition, call 210-207-8790, and choose option 4.

Immunization Resources


Podcast - from the CDC Public Health Media Library


Federal & State Websites

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Texas Health and Human Services

Health & Resource Fairs

The IOEP Program provides educational resources and material to community members and attendees about immunizations and vaccine preventable diseases.

For a Resource Table, Educational Presentation, or Immunization Clinic Request, please fill out and email a Service Request Form(PDF, 101KB).