State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF)

The U.S. Department of the Treasury allocated $326.9 million of State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) to the City of San Antonio. The City received the first half in the amount of $163.45 million in May 2021 and the second half in June 2022. These funds must be obligated by December 2024 and spent by December 2026.

The SLFRF program provides resources to:

  • Fight the negative public health and economic effects of the pandemic
  • Support families and businesses struggling with the effects of the pandemic
  • Maintain essential public services
  • Build a strong, resilient, and equitable recovery by making investments that support long-term growth and opportunity


On June 16, 2021, City staff presented to the City Council a two-phased strategy for the use of ARPA SLFRF. This introduction was part of the City’s Trial Budget presentation. In August 2021, as part of the FY 2022 Budget process, City Council approved a two-phase strategy.

Phase I

  • Approved as part of the FY 2022 Budget
  • Focused on stabilizing the City budget
  • Addressed community needs

Phase II

  • Began in October 2021.
  • The City conducted extensive community engagement efforts to understand resident priorities for SLFRF. Learn more about the City’s community engagement efforts.
  • City Council feedback set spending priorities for the use of the federal funds.
  • The City's remaining SLFRF award was allocated by the City Council in February 2022.
  • Implementation plans for Small Business, Mental Health, Youth, Seniors, Non-Profit Social Services, and Arts were developed in collaboration with Council Committees and were approved by the City Council by September 2022. The Economic and Workforce Development Committee oversaw planning for Digital Connectivity, and a contract was approved by the City Council in April 2023.
  • Small Business programs are in progress. Requests for Proposals are complete and agency contracts are underway for Mental Health, Youth, Seniors, and Non-Profits Social Services. For additional information and statuses on programs, visit the applicable Funded Programs webpages and/or the Quarterly U.S. Treasury Reports located on the Reports webpage.

Funded Programs

The City allocated funds to programs to provide for a strong and equitable recovery. The City's focus areas, guiding principles, and community engagement efforts guided these decisions. The following table provides a high-level summary of the City’s two-phased approach.

For more information on the ARPA programs visit the Funded Programs webpage.

Programs ($ In Millions) Phase I Phase II Adjustments Total
311/Customer Service Operations $0.9 $0 $0 $0.9
Arts $2.6 $5.0 $0 $7.6
Bridge Maintenance Program $0 $3.8 $0 $3.8
City Services Navigators $2.7 $0 $(0.4) $2.3
Convention & Sports Facilities Operations $48.3 $0 $0 $48.3
Domestic Violence $7.6 $8.8 $0 $16.4
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) $2.1 $0 $0 $2.1
Emergency Preparedness $5.0 $0 $12.9 $17.9
Emergency Response $0 $50.0 $(28.4) $21.6
Employee Retention $0 $10.0 $(0.5) $9.5
Homeless $0.5 $0 $15.9 $16.4
Housing $4.4 $10.0 $0 $14.4
Mental Health $3.4 $26.0 $0 $29.4
Non-Profit Social Services $0 $2.5 $0 $2.5
Infrastructure $0 $32.0 $0 $32.0
Public Health: SA Forward Plan $5.0 $0 $0 $5.0
Seniors $0 $5.0 $0 $5.0
Small Business $0 $26.3 $.5 $26.8
Street Maintenance $9.7 $10.0 $0 $19.7
Utility Assistance $0 $30.0 $0 $30.0
Vision Zero $5.2 $0 $0 $5.2
Youth $0 $10.0 $0 $10.0
Total $97.5 $229.4 $0 $326.9