Community Collaboration Restores Hope for Family in Memorial Heights

Published on July 24, 2024

Council District 5 - Teri Castillo   

SAN ANTONIO (July 24, 2024) — Councilmember Teri Castillo and the District 5 Team, recently partnered with the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LiUNA) Local 1095, JR Ramon Demolition, and Raintree Transport to aid a family in need in the Memorial Heights Neighborhood.

In late December 2023, an unfortunate and devastating house fire rendered the family’s home uninhabitable, leaving them in urgent need of assistance. Recognizing the dire situation, the District 5 Office spearheaded a coordinated effort with various City services and community partners:

  • The City of San Antonio Neighborhood and Housing Services Department provided crucial relocation assistance.
  • The City’s Development Services Department’s Code Enforcement Section demonstrated flexibility and commitment to formulating a community action plan.
  • The City’s Solid Waste Management Department facilitated debris and trash pickup to help clear the property immediately after the fire.

The extensive fire damage necessitated the demolition of the home, a daunting prospect for the family due to potential costs upwards of $25,000 and concerns about municipal liens. Arlene, the household’s matriarch, is disabled, while her children, Anastacia and Tony, also face significant disabilities. With limited resources, Anastacia took on additional employment to save for the impending demolition.

Responding swiftly to the family’s plight, District 5 enlisted the support of LiUNA Local 1095, which mobilized volunteers and rented necessary machinery. On July 13, 2024, volunteers, supported by JR Ramon Demolition and Raintree Transport, completed the demolition, and removed debris, filling multiple dumpsters with materials. This collaborative effort, powered by community solidarity, spared the family substantial expenses, allowing them to redirect their focus and resources toward rebuilding their lives.

“We are deeply grateful to LiUNA Local 1095, JR Ramon, and Raintree Transport for their swift and selfless response in aiding our community,” remarked the District 5 Councilmember. “Their efforts have provided a lifeline for this family, embodying the spirit of compassion and solidarity that defines our district.”

Matt Gonzales, Business Manager of LiUNA Local 1095 expressed, “When we learned of this family’s desperate need, our members knew we had to step in by providing our demolition expertise and volunteer time. As the Laborers’ Union, it is our duty and privilege to support our community in times of hardship.  We also want to thank Councilwoman Castillo for her commitment to working with Labor to build a better San Antonio for everyone.”

"Watching our local District 5 Office take such an active role in assisting this family in our community was very heartening to see. We were happy to lend a hand in support of such a worthy effort," said Clayton, Vice President of JR Ramon Demolition. 

The collaborative effort exemplifies the power of community-driven initiatives in San Antonio, demonstrating the impact of collective action in restoring hope and resilience to those facing adversity.