San Antonio Celebrates Pedal-Power!

Published on May 15, 2024


City of San Antonio Transportation Department  

City recognizes Bike to Work Day and announces progress on Bike Network Plan.

SAN ANTONIO (May 15, 2024) – As San Antonians prepare to celebrate Bike to Work Day on May 17, 2024, the City is proud to announce significant progress on its Bike Network Plan aimed at enhancing bike infrastructure and promoting a healthier, more sustainable mode of transportation.

“Together, let's build a city where biking is safe, accessible, and enjoyable for all,” said Mayor Ron Nirenberg.

Research shows that safe, comfortable options for walking and biking provide opportunities to incorporate physical activity into daily activities and can make communities healthier.

Those using bikes to get to work, school, or run errands on May 17 are encouraged to stop by one of the 12 Energizer stations located across the city.

The City’s Transportation Department is hosting an Energizer station at the corner of Houston and Main Streets that morning to support downtown’s bike commuters.

Residents who want to see more bike accessibility city-wide can offer recommendations to the Bike Network Plan by taking the Phase 3 survey at

“We encourage all San Antonians to engage with our Bike Network Plan,” said Cat Hernandez, Director of Transportation. “Your feedback is crucial in creating safer, healthier, and more equitable transportation options for our city.”

San Antonio bike facts:

  • Since 2000, more than 400 additional miles of bike facilities have been built in San Antonio, or nearly 16 new miles a year
  • Approximately 523 miles of bike facilities exist today in the city, representing 1/9th of all of San Antonio’s 4300+ miles of roadways

From the Bike Network Plan surveys:

  • More than 3,100 residents have participated in Bike Network Plan surveys and events, sharing their feedback and desires for safer, more accessible transportation options
  • Every age group envisioned biking as the most frequently cited desired way to get around San Antonio in the future
  • 23 percent of City-owned roads are considered high stress to bike riders who are pedaling alongside traffic
  • Socioeconomically disadvantaged areas of San Antonio have 113 percent more bike and pedestrian crashes compared to other areas of town
  • 7.9 percent of households in the city lack access to a vehicle

For more information about the Bike Network Plan and to participate in the Phase 3 survey, please visit