Unified Development Code (UDC)

UDC Amendments Update

City Council approved proposed UDC amendments Nov. 3, 2022, to become effective as of Jan. 1, 2023. 

This amendment cycle included 234 amendments, 191 internal and 43 external. Three external amendments were not sponsored by the Planning Commission and did not move forward in the process.

A total of 193 amendments moved forth with recommendation of approval

Training videos for all new UDC amendments are available.

UDC Amendment Process

The Unified Development Code (UDC) is updated every five years. As amendments are submitted between Oct. 1 and Feb. 1, an updated list will be posted on this page. When similar amendments are submitted DSD will coordinate and review them with applicable representatives, including neighborhoods, school districts, military, development community, city departments, and additional organizations. This will minimize potential conflict with existing or proposed codes, and enhance the efficiency of the process.

UDC Process (PDF)

Some quick links to help you find what you need:

For questions about PCTAC Agendas, contact the Policy Administration team.

Tracking UDC Amendments

You can track the amendments submitted, and where they are in the process by viewing the documents (PDF or Excel).

If you have an amendment related question for any of the following categories, please reach out to the city departments listed below.

NOTE: Planning,Transportation, and Neighborhood & Housing Services are working closely with VIA Transit

Department Category Contact Phone
Development Services Zoning, Board of Adjustments, Short Term Rentals, Platting Logan Sparrow
Policy Administrator
Plan Review Rachel Parrish
Development Services Engineer
Code Enforcement Michael Uresti 
Development Services Manager
Neighborhood & Housing Services Removing barriers to affordable housing and aligning the UDC with housing related plans. Sara Wamsley 
Housing Policy Coordinator
Office of Historic Preservation Historic and design review process Cory Edwards
Deputy Historic Preservation Officer
Parks Revising park platting and tree mitigation fund Sandy Jenkins
Parks & Recreation Manager
Planning UDC Alignment with SA Tomorrow Micah Diaz
Planning Coordinator
Public Works - Storm Water Revising storm water and floodplain sections Sabrina Santiago
Interim Capital Programs Manager
Transportation Revising streets, sidewalk, bike infrastructure design sections Catherine Hernandez
Interim Assistant Director
Sustainability UDC alignment with the SA Climate Ready Climate Action and Adaptation Plan Murray Myers
Municipal Sustainability Manager