Become a Candidate

The Next General Election will be held May 3, 2025. Candidate Filings will begin January 15, 2025 and end February 14, 2025.

NOTE: Before raising or spending campaign funds, you must file a Campaign Treasurer Appointment with the City Clerk.

Candidate Qualifications

  • Citizen of the United States
  • At least 18 years of age
  • Qualified San Antonio voter by the filing deadline
  • Resided in San Antonio for one year before filing your application
  • Resided in the respective council district for at least 6 months before filing your application and continue to do so throughout the term of office.
    • Find your Council District
    • If your area was annexed into the City recently, you must have lived at your residence 6 months before annexation.
  • Not have been mentally incapacitated by a final judgment of a court or have been finally convicted of a felony unless pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disabilities of that felony conviction.
    • Successful completion of probation or parole does not make a convicted felon eligible to hold an elected office.

Secretary of State general requirements for candidacy filing.

Required Forms & Fees

Required Forms


The cost is $110. This includes a non-refundable Filing Fee of $100 and a $10 Notary Fee payable to the City of San Antonio.

Payments accepted:

  • Cash
  • Personal Check
  • Money Order 

NOTE: Credit cards are not accepted. 

Petition In Lieu of Filing Fee

Instead of the Filing Fee, you may submit the required number of petition signatures(PDF, 117KB).

Petition Form(PDF, 28KB)

The Petition Circulator is required to sign the Affidavit of Circulator on each petition they circulated. All signatures must be in ink.

Candidate Filing Process

All applications and supporting documents, including the required $10 Notary Fee and Filing Fee of $100 or signed petitions in lieu of the filing fee, are required to be submitted by 5 p.m. Friday, February 14, 2025.

When to File

Applications for a Place on the Ballot will be accepted starting at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 15, 2025.

Where to File

You can file by mail or in person at:

Office of the City Clerk
City Hall
100 Military Plaza, 1st Floor
San Antonio, Texas 78205

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Applications will be processed in the order of the applicant's arrival. Please allocate enough time for parking, City building security protocols, and the processing of your application, which is estimated to take 30 minutes.


A limited number of Visitor parking spaces are located at City Hall surface parking lot - enter off Commerce Street.

If City Hall Visitor spaces are full, go to City Tower Parking Garage - entrances off S. Flores Street and N. Main Street.

City Tower Parking Garage
115 N. Main St.
San Antonio, Texas 78205

Take Elevators to the City Tower Concourse "C" Level and visit the Information Desk for City Tower parking validation.

Applications Received

Applications filed as of February 14, 2025 at 5 p.m.

Ballot Order


District 1

District 2

District 3

District 4

District 5

District 6

District 7

District 8

District 9

District 10